Why we shall connect?
Today, being connected with GBS / Shared Services Executives across the globe including a number of Shared Services Advisory Boards membership e.g. SSON, I live a purposeful life as an INDEPENDENT Shared Services Executive Advisor or Interim Manager and I am proud to grow People across the globe via my Career Coaching incl. elements of Mentoring and Leadership Development practise.
I am specialized at:
Business Excellence incl. Transformation | Change Mgmt | Transitions | Lean Six Sigma,
GBS Strategy incl. Scoping, Location, Operating / Governance (TOM) model, Outsourcing
Talent Mgmt incl. High Performing team mobilization.
Finally, after 20Y+ of a very successful career at the Leadership in companies such as Hewlett Packard, Accenture (incl. Boston Scientific, Google, Cisco or Baker Hughes projects), CBRE or Discovery - I have so much to share and I know the short cuts and effective solutions to your challenges. Allow me to share it all with You.