This post will be different than all you can see and read on LI. I plan it to be short and sweet – literally 😉

I bought a land 2 years ago – and recently we just build a wooden house made from humongous wooden logs – like the ones that you can find in the mountains. I love it but this is not my message … my message is about my EXPERIENCE with local society leading me to few thoughts for the corporate world.
Let me share with you two stories.
Story #1
I went to the local construction shop – it was recommended to me by the guy who I bought the land from. I ordered all the stuff I needed and when I was about to pay – it turned out that the shop accepts cash only. Welcome to the old times 😉 I had no cash on me. And now the story comes – the shop owner told me – don’t worry – take all the stuff you wanted to buy with you, and you’ll pay me later. I know the guy who recommended you my place, so I trust him. It was quite a big bill i.e., above 350$ and as a little reminder, I just met the owner of the shop. Back to the corporate world – we often talk about trust and relationship – I challenge you all to re-assess your definition.
Story #2
I still don’t have a connected electricity in my wooden house. It takes time to have it all arranged, even up to 1.5 years. Exploring various options, I approached my neighbor, ~70 years old guy – there are 5 neighbors close the land since it is a very small village – and introduced myself and we had a little chitchat. Afterwards I asked him if there was an option – for me to start “borrowing” electricity from him. As a little reminder, we just met. His response was immediate – of course you can. I asked him – how much will it cost me and how he wants to have it arranged? He told me – not to worry, we’ll arrange it at later stage. I was positively shocked and amazed at the same time. Back to the corporate world – how often we simply say yes with no pre-conditions … being driven by good will and trust only? At the end, I figured out to arrange an “off-grid” solar panel which guarantees the level of electricity for my needs but still I am still impressed by my neighbor approach to a stranger i.e. me.
The true power of relationship and trust. What is it for you? How do you leverage a great power of trust and human being relationship?
Last thought about the trust. Many say that there is great correlation between Trust and Engagement but very few say that there is correlation between Trust and Learning. Here’s the evidence. When the baby is born – it trusts 100% by default and it goes via the biggest learning experience during his / her entire life. On that note, what if we turn our 10% trust levels to 100% towards our peers and teams? Check it out and MAGIC will happen!
If you want to explore more the topic of trust or relationship – happy to connect offline.